Start Loving Yourself by following this easy step

Simran Ahuja
4 min readAug 28, 2023


“Simran, I cannot start practicing Self-love. I have never believed in myself.”- said one of my friends when I told her how Self-love was all she needed to feel better in life.

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

Being a person who learned to love herself after facing several rejections in college, I could understand how she did not believe in the idea of loving herself in the first place.

I could feel how vague and crazy this idea was for her. Despite the resistance, I told her how she too could start practicing Self-Love. It would take some time to start loving yourself, I added to make things easier for her.

She left, but the question: Why do we feel uncomfortable loving ourselves? did not leave me. I kept wondering what is the prime reason behind this inability. Why do we struggle to shower our own love to ourselves?

The world tells us to love ourselves. Books, blogs, and videos all over the internet are advocating Self-Love as the most effective way to live a fulfilling life. And here we are standing still unclear of how to walk on this path of self-love.

“Why weren’t we taught to prioritize ourselves often by our parents or in school?” I questioned myself gazing outside the window, hoping the universe would answer all my doubts.

A breeze of realization touched my ears as I discovered the answer to my own question. I realized Nobody taught us to love ourselves because maybe they too were never taught about Self-Love.

This one realization cleared all my doubts and helped me discover the path I want to help people walk upon: The path of loving ourselves. ( without feeling guilty about it!)

Loving yourself is not as complex as you feel it is. Adapting to the right set of habits and techniques can help you establish a healthy relationship with yourself. A happy one indeed.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

If you are starting your journey to self-love, I want to tell you I am proud of you for taking the first step. Even if you are reading this with no intention of loving yourself, I am still happy you are here. I hope my words help you change your mind.

I will be sharing about the first switch you can take today to embrace the act of loving yourself: Start Doing Things You Love!

Yes! It is as simple as that. You don’t have to follow ten steps if you are starting your self-love journey. You can start inculcating this simple habit and notice considerable results in your life.

We are often burdened by expectations our parents, boss, children, and society have for us. We always look up to fulfilling them with the best we can put at stake. Sometimes we even sideline our own choices and priorities to keep others happy. We somehow ignore the negative impacts it leaves on us and our happiness.

I understand there are certain activities we have to indulge in even if we don’t love them. All of us have to wake up every morning and go to work even if we love sleeping for extra ten minutes. We have bills to pay and we should indeed work to gain financial independence but this time without sacrificing the little things that keep us alive.

We just have to make some room for activities that fuel us. We are supposed to fit them into our caught-up schedule. Even after working for hours and feeling drained, the thought of doing the thing that you enjoy will fill your heart with happiness.

It can be literally anything and everything. You need not necessarily earn money out of that. Remember, you are doing it for yourself. Please have fun. If you are not sure what you enjoy doing, sit down and write about your happiest moments and ponder what made you happy.

If you are not able to secure some time for your loved activity on a daily basis, I request you to make space for it twice a week, weekly, or on any regular schedule. The difference it will bring into your life and happiness will be felt by you.

And I want you to share your experiences with me.

Feel free to comment and express how this step made you feel.

I feel recharged as I see you taking charge of your life and happiness. Let’s start loving ourselves by doing things we absolutely love doing.

Sending strength and smiles your way


Photo by Kawin Harasai on Unsplash

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Simran Ahuja

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